Solutions & Products

Vessel Traffic Management System


By using VTS (vessel traffic service), AIS (Automatic Identification System), Video Surveillance, ICT (Information and Communications Technology), build modernization vessel traffic management system for maritime security and government monitoring.

Key Functions

Features & Benefits

Monitoring All Vessels Around Harbor

- Berthing vessel

- Inbound / outbound vessel

- Pre-arrival vessel

- Anchorage vessel

Support Professional Electric Sea Chart

- Water depth

- Navigation channel

- Anchorage

- Berth

Pilotage Operation & Tug Operation

- Tug planning

- Tug operation monitoring

- Pilotage planning

- Pilotage navigation route design

- Pilotage operation

Provide High-level & Value-added Services for Port Dispatcher

- Query vessel information in visualization

- Watch video surveillance near harbor

- Query weather and tide